依次为:Lighting Proof Technique , Environmental Monitoring and Assessment ,Communication Technology , Applied Electronic technology ,Freezing /Cold Technique,NC Technology ,Design and Manufacture of Die,Social Sports
防雷技术thunder-resisting technology
环境监测与评价environment supervision and evaluation
通信技术telecommunication technology
应用电子技术applicable electronic technique
制冷与冷藏技术refrigeration and storage technique
数控技术computerized control technique
模具设计与制造mould design and manufacture
社会体育society and sports
social phycical education
防雷技术 lightning proof technology
环境监测与评价 environmental monitoring and evaluation
通信技术 communication technology
应用电子技术 applicable electronic technique
制冷与冷藏技术 refrigeration and storage technique
数控技术 numerical control technique
模具设计与制造 mould design and manufacture
社会体育 social sports
lightning-protecting engineering
environmental monitoring and evaluation
communications technology
electronic technology application
refrigeration technology
numerical control technology
die design and making
social sports