
2024-12-15 01:17:43

袁隆平被誉为中国的“杂交水稻(hybrid rice)之父”. 中国农民说,吃饭靠“两平”,一靠邓小平----制定了生产承包责任制(System of Production Responsibility)的政策,二靠袁隆平----发明了杂交稻。
在中国人民正闹饥荒(suffer the famine)的20世纪60年代,袁隆平提出了杂交水稻的概念,这种新型水稻具有高产量的特点。10年后,他研制成功了一种产量(yield)比一般水稻高出20%的新型水稻。

Yuan Long Ping (or Yuan Longping) was named "the father of hybrid rice" by the chinese people. chinese farmers said that in order to eat well it all depends on "two Pings", --one of them is Deng Xiao Ping, who had formulated the System of Production Responsibility, the second one is Yuan Long Ping, who had invented the hybrid rice.

Yuan Long Ping, male, was born on September of 1930 in Beijing, and he graduated from Xinan (Southwest)Agriculture Institute's agricultural department. After graduation, he has been engaged in the agricultural education and the hybrid rice research.

As Chinese people suffered from the famine in the 60's of the twentiety century, Yuan Long Ping proposed the concept of hybrid rice, this new kind of paddy rice has high yield characteristic. Ten years later, he had successfully developed a new paddy rice, which had the type of output yield that was 20% higher than that compared to the common paddy rice.

Yuan Long Ping has dedicated his whole life to the agricultural research, from the past to present he had received the reputation of United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Although Yuan Long Ping is already 70 years old, as always he is still engaged in the agricultural research.


Ding from Zero to Hero(丁俊晖 一布登天的英雄)
When Ding Junhui took to snooker,he never expected himself to be a word champion,a prodigious millonaire,a national icon and a phenomenon.(当丁俊晖开始打斯诺克的时候,他做梦也没有想到自己会成为世界冠军,百万富翁,全民偶像和一种现象)
The 19-year-old Chinese wunderkind now has won three world title-China Open,UK Open and Northern Irelang Open-becoming the only second player in history,the frist one being Ronnie O'Sullivan,to pull off such feat before the age of 20.(这位春风得意的19岁少年现在已经获得了3个世界冠军;斯诺克中国公开赛冠军;全英公开赛,北爱尔兰公开赛冠军,成为世界上第2个在20岁之前就获得如此辉煌成就的人,第一个是罗尼.奥沙利文)
When Ding was 11 years old,he quit school to play snooker,which was against Chinese traditional value advocating that children school get good education for future development.Even his mother took muh exception to his move(丁俊晖11岁就辙学打斯诺克,而中国传统的价值观认为儿童应该接受良好教育,日后才能有出息.丁的做法可谓逆主流而行,就连他的母亲对此也颇有微词)
But his father thought otherwise.He said Junhui could go to university to get education after making his mark in snooker.His father's view prevailed and the couple spent more than they had to finance Ding's career.(但他父亲想法不同,他认为小晖可以先在台球上有所成就再上大学.他父亲的想法占上风,夫妻俩决定负债支持丁的台球事业)
Ding usually spent eight to ten hours every day in the poolroom playing snooker alone.He said snooker occupied all his life(丁每天都要在球房一个人练习8到10个小时,他说斯诺克占据了他全部的生活)
Their tremendous efforts finally paid off in April,2005 when Dingclaimed the title of China Open.He caused a sensation last December when he beat Steve Davis to win the UK Open(巨大的努力终于换来了回报.2005年4月,丁获得了中国公开赛冠军;同年12月,他击败了斯蒂夫.戴维斯获得了英国公开赛冠军,引起了轰动.)
These two world titles made him a household name in China and sponsorship began pouring in.(这两个冠军头衔使丁成为了中国家喻户晓的人物,大批资助开始涌来)
For Ding,it is not within his radar to be top ranker."I never dreamed to become world No.1,even now i don't imagine about it.I am a doer instead of thinker.What i should do is to improve my skills,"he said.(对于丁而言,成为世界第一不在他考虑的范围.他说:"我从没想到当世界第一,甚至现在我也没想过,我是个行动者,不是思想家,我要做的是提高我的技术.")
A clinical hitter in the arena,Ding acts like a child off it.(在球场内,丁是冷峻的杀手;在球场外,他像个孩子.
Though he is 19 years old ,indeed he is not grown-up.When back at home ,he likes to play video games and adores teddy bears.he is still a child now making up for what he had loat in his chilhood(虽然他19岁了,但的确还没有长大.回到家里,他爱打游戏,喜欢泰迪熊.他依然是个孩子,正在弥补失去的童年.