Relevance Theory, as a communication theory proposed by Sperber and Wilson, is viewed as an ostensive-inferential process. According to Relevance Theory, the context of an utterance is “the set of premises in interpreting, a psychological construct, and a subset of the hearer’s assumptions about the world”. During translation, adaptation is needed to be made when demanded to avoid the word for word translation, which is the main idea of Relevance–Adaptation Theory. Relevance Theory and Relevance-Adaptation Theory have great explanatory power over translation.
Sperber和Wilson(2001)的关联理论把语言交际看作是一个明示——推理过程,并从认知的角度提出语言交际是按一定的推理规律进行的认知活动。这样,我们应该从关联的角度去研究翻译。在关联理论中,交际受体在交际者明说(explicitness)的基础上凭借认知语境中的三种信息:逻辑信息(logical information)、百科知识(encyclopaedic information)和词汇信息(lexicalinformation),做出语境假设。语境是交际双方在互动过程中为了正确理解话语而存在于人们大脑中的一系列假设。由于人们的认知环境和认知结构不同,话语理解可能会得出不同的隐含结论。从认知的角度看,语境是在动态的推理过程中产生的认识。
Relevance Theory (hereinafter referred to as RT) is acognitive pragmatic theory presented by Sperber and Wilson, western linguists,based on Grice’s Relation Maxim(关联准则).(Sperber&Wilson,1986/1995) RTbelieves manifestation and inference are two indispensable aspects ofcommunication. The latter process is to seek the optional relevance of thenewly presented information to the old information or of utterances to contextualassumptions. From the cognitive perspective, RT put forward“Ostensive-Inferential Communication”, explaining the nature, mental processand contextual effects of language communication. In the same condition, theless effect put and the bigger the contextual effect get, then the stronger therelevance has. In the framework of RT, translation is believed as anostensive-inferential activity including information intention andcommunication intention. Translators are aimed to concern author’s intentionand audience’s expectation, helping audiences to find optional relevance in contextualbetween source text and target text, and to achieve the best effect ofcommunication.
Relevance theory proposed by Wilson and Sperber. They think that language communication is a kind of purposeful, intentional activity. In the process of communication, the speaker must guide the hearer recognition for their own purposes, and the hearer should use the speaker's words to infer the speaker 's intention.