求飞思卡尔单片机mc9s12xs128 超频CW5.0例程

2025-01-03 20:20:18

void MCUInit()
DisableInterrupts; //禁止总中断
CLKSEL &= 0x7f; //CLKSEL的第7位置0,选择系统时钟源为OSCCLK

PLLCTL &= 0xbf; //禁止PLL , PLLCTL.6(pllon)设为0;先关闭PLL
SYNR = 0x01; //根据需要的时钟频率设置SYNR和REFDV寄存器
REFDV = 0x00;

PLLCTL |= (1<<6); //打开PLL , PLLCTL.6(pllon)设为1;开PLL
while (( CRGFLG&0x08) == 0x00);//通过判断LOCK位,
CLKSEL |= (1<<7); //时钟频率稳定后,允许锁相环时钟源作为系统时钟源;

//本句 执行后:BusClock=PLLCLK/2 BusClock = 32MHz


void SetBusCLK_16M(void)
CLKSEL=0X00; // disengage PLL to system
PLLCTL_PLLON=1; // turn on PLL
SYNR=0x00 | 0x01; // VCOFRQ[7:6];SYNDIV[5:0]
// fVCO= 2*fOSC*(SYNDIV + 1)/(REFDIV + 1)
// fPLL= fVCO/(2 × POSTDIV)
// fBUS= fPLL/2
// VCOCLK Frequency Ranges VCOFRQ[7:6]
// 32MHz <= fVCO <= 48MHz 00
// 48MHz < fVCO <= 80MHz 01
// Reserved 10
// 80MHz < fVCO <= 120MHz 11
REFDV=0x80 | 0x01; // REFFRQ[7:6];REFDIV[5:0]
// fREF=fOSC/(REFDIV + 1)
// REFCLK Frequency Ranges REFFRQ[7:6]
// 1MHz <= fREF <= 2MHz 00
// 2MHz < fREF <= 6MHz 01
// 6MHz < fREF <= 12MHz 10
// fREF > 12MHz 11
// pllclock=2*osc*(1+SYNR)/(1+REFDV)=32MHz;
POSTDIV=0x00; // 4:0, fPLL= fVCO/(2xPOSTDIV)
// If POSTDIV = $00 then fPLL is identical to fVCO (divide by
_asm(nop); // BUS CLOCK=16M
while(!(CRGFLG_LOCK==1)); //when pll is steady ,then use it;
CLKSEL_PLLSEL =1; //engage PLL to system;
void SetBusCLK_32M(void)
CLKSEL=0X00; // disengage PLL to system
PLLCTL_PLLON=1; // turn on PLL
SYNR =0x40 | 0x03; // pllclock=2*osc*(1+SYNR)/(1+REFDV)
REFDV=0x80 | 0x01;
_asm(nop); // BUS CLOCK=32M
while(!(CRGFLG_LOCK==1)); //when pll is steady ,then use it;
CLKSEL_PLLSEL =1; //engage PLL to system;
void SetBusCLK_40M(void)
CLKSEL=0X00; //disengage PLL to system
PLLCTL_PLLON=1; //turn on PLL
SYNR =0xc0 | 0x04;
REFDV=0x80 | 0x01;
POSTDIV=0x00; //pllclock=2*osc*(1+SYNR)/(1+REFDV)=80MHz;
_asm(nop); //BUS CLOCK=40M
while(!(CRGFLG_LOCK==1)); //when pll is steady ,then use it;
CLKSEL_PLLSEL =1; //engage PLL to system;
void SetBusCLK_48M(void)
CLKSEL=0X00; //disengage PLL to system
PLLCTL_PLLON=1; //turn on PLL
SYNR =0xc0 | 0x05;
REFDV=0x80 | 0x01;
POSTDIV=0x00; //pllclock=2*osc*(1+SYNR)/(1+REFDV)=96MHz;
_asm(nop); //BUS CLOCK=48M
while(!(CRGFLG_LOCK==1)); //when pll is steady ,then use it;
CLKSEL_PLLSEL =1; //engage PLL to system;
void SetBusCLK_64M(void)
CLKSEL=0X00; //disengage PLL to system
PLLCTL_PLLON=1; //turn on PLL
SYNR =0xc0 | 0x07;
REFDV=0x80 | 0x01;
POSTDIV=0x00; //pllclock=2*osc*(1+SYNR)/(1+REFDV)=128MHz;
_asm(nop); //BUS CLOCK=64M
while(!(CRGFLG_LOCK==1)); //when pll is steady ,then use it;
CLKSEL_PLLSEL =1; //engage PLL to system;
void SetBusCLK_80M(void)
CLKSEL=0X00; //disengage PLL to system
PLLCTL_PLLON=1; //turn on PLL
SYNR =0xc0 | 0x09;
REFDV=0x80 | 0x01;
POSTDIV=0x00; //pllclock=2*osc*(1+SYNR)/(1+REFDV)=160MHz;
_asm(nop); //BUS CLOCK=80M
while(!(CRGFLG_LOCK==1)); //when pll is steady ,then use it;
CLKSEL_PLLSEL =1; //engage PLL to system;
void SetBusCLK_88M(void)
CLKSEL=0X00; //disengage PLL to system
PLLCTL_PLLON=1; //turn on PLL
SYNR =0xc0 | 0x0a;
REFDV=0x80 | 0x01;
POSTDIV=0x00; //pllclock=2*osc*(1+SYNR)/(1+REFDV)=176MHz;
_asm(nop); //BUS CLOCK=88M
while(!(CRGFLG_LOCK==1)); //when pll is steady ,then use it;
CLKSEL_PLLSEL =1; //engage PLL to system;
void SetBusCLK_96M(void)
CLKSEL=0X00; //disengage PLL to system
PLLCTL_PLLON=1; //turn on PLL
SYNR =0xc0 | 0x0b;
REFDV=0x80 | 0x01;
POSTDIV=0x00; //pllclock=2*osc*(1+SYNR)/(1+REFDV)=192MHz;
_asm(nop); //BUS CLOCK=96M
while(!(CRGFLG_LOCK==1)); //when pll is steady ,then use it;
CLKSEL_PLLSEL =1; //engage PLL to system;
void SetBusCLK_104M(void)
CLKSEL=0X00; //disengage PLL to system
PLLCTL_PLLON=1; //turn on PLL
SYNR =0xc0 | 0x0c;
REFDV=0x80 | 0x01;
POSTDIV=0x00; //pllclock=2*osc*(1+SYNR)/(1+REFDV)=208MHz;
_asm(nop); //BUS CLOCK=104M
while(!(CRGFLG_LOCK==1)); //when pll is steady ,then use it;
CLKSEL_PLLSEL =1; //engage PLL to system;
void SetBusCLK_120M(void)
CLKSEL=0X00; //disengage PLL to system
PLLCTL_PLLON=1; //turn on PLL
SYNR =0xc0 | 0x0d;
REFDV=0x80 | 0x01;
POSTDIV=0x00; //pllclock=2*osc*(1+SYNR)/(1+REFDV)=240MHz;
_asm(nop); //BUS CLOCK=120M
while(!(CRGFLG_LOCK==1)); //when pll is steady ,then use it;
CLKSEL_PLLSEL =1; //engage PLL to system;

