Every morning, we need to teeth, wash face, and sometimes shampoo, which is related with water. Although we must do these every morning, in terms of environment, the fresh water resource will be hurt because of these actions, and the environment will face more pressure. But there is no way to change. After these actions, we need to eat. Although eating is important to us, using natural gas to cook brings much stress on environment, for instance, it will reduce non-renewable resources of the country, and will release some carbon dioxide, which will add to the greenhouse effect.. Sometimes we will watch TV in the morning, and this is a waste of resource, no matter coal-fired power or hydroelectric power.
Although the infulence of these actions is small, but if each of the Chinese does the same, it will be great. So we must do our best to save the national resource.
Although these effects are small, but each chinese do it every day,It will be a huge influence,so we should save the national resources as far as possible .
Every morning, we will brush our teeth and wash our faces, and sometimes we will wash our heads. These are all related to water. Although these are must-dos in the mornings, they use the freshwater resources in the environment. This creates pressures on the environment, and there is no way to change it. When these works are done, it is breakfast time. We use natural gas to cook. Although eating is important, it also brought a lot of pressure to the environment. For example, it will reduce non-renewable resources of the country, and it will release carbon dioxide, adding greenhouse effect to the world. Sometimes we will also watch TV in the morning, and this, no matter it is coal-fired power or hydroelectric power, is a waste of resources. Although these effects are small, if every Chinese does it every day, it will be a huge influence. Therefore, we should save the national resources as much as possible .