真不知下面哪一个人是楼主????今日都给你们发了, 楼主可在上面的地址找到这张地图。
; *** Red Alert 2 Rules ***
; If placed in game directory, it will override built in values. Values to be used as multipliers
; or percentages can be specified as either a simple floating point number (embed ".") or as a
; conventional percentage number (append "%"). Values used as distances or time delays
; are specified as simple floating point number. Distance values are expressed in cells. Time
; values are expressed in minutes.
; If multiple rules files are present, the Name field is used to identify between them.
Name=Red Alert 2 -- Official Rules of Engagement
; veteran factors ;gs checked up on these since Armor was broken. Now they are all multipliers.
VeteranRatio=3.0 ; must destroy this multiple of self-value to become a veteran [per level]
VeteranCombat=1.1 ; multiplier to damage
VeteranSpeed=1.2 ; multiplier to max speed
VeteranSight=1.2 ; multiplier to sight !!!going past ten is a hard code Vegas crash!!!
VeteranArmor=1.5 ; For armor, think of it as max strength being multiplied by the number (in reality, damage is divided by this
VeteranROF=0.6 ; ROF delay multiplier
VeteranCap=2 ; maximum veteran level that can be obtained
InitialVeteran=no ; Do initial forces start as veterans?
; repair and refit
RefundPercent=80% ; percent of original cost to refund when building/unit is sold
ReloadRate=.3 ; minutes to reload each ammo point for aircraft or helicopters
RepairPercent=15% ; percent cost to fully repair as ratio of full cost
RepairRate=.016 ; minutes between applying repair step
RepairStep=8 ; hit points to heal per repair 'tick'
URepairRate=.016 ; [units only] minutes between applying repair step
IRepairRate=.001 ; [infantry only] minutes between applying repair step
IRepairStep=20 ; [infantry only] hit points to heal per repair 'tick' for infantry
TiberiumHeal=.010 ; minutes between applying Tiberium healing [for those units that heal in Tiberium]
; income and production
;BailCount=28 ; number of 'bails' carried by a harvester
BuildSpeed=.7 ; general build speed [time (in minutes) to produce a 1000 credit cost item]
BuildupTime=.06 ; average minutes that building build-up animation runs
GrowthRate=5 ; minutes between ore (Tiberium) growth
TiberiumGrows=yes ; Does ore grow denser over time?
TiberiumSpreads=yes ; Does ore spread into adjacent areas?
SeparateAircraft=yes ; Is first helicopter to be purchased separately from helipad?
SurvivorRate=.4 ; fraction of building cost to be converted to survivors when sold ;gs This is no longer used, as the sell price of the building gives more control
AlliedSurvivorDivisor=500 ; gs divide the sell cost of a building by this to get number of survivors
SovietSurvivorDivisor=250 ; gs this split is needed since no longer have a common infantry
PlacementDelay=.05 ; delay before retrying produced object deploy if temporary blockage detected
WeedCapacity=56 ; Amount of weed that needs to be harvested by a house in order to build the chem missile
HarvestersPerRefinery=2 ; gs This used to be hard coded. If it is here then designers can override it in maps (It controls overriding the Teams in deciding what to build next from the Weapons factory)
; computer and movement controls
CurleyShuffle=no ; Should helicopter shuffle position between shots [as in C&C]?
BaseBias=2 ; multiplier to threat target value when enemy is close to friendly base
BaseDefenseDelay=.25 ; minutes delay between sending response teams to deal with base threat
CloseEnough=2.25 ; If distance to destination less than this, then abort movement if otherwise blocked.
DamageDelay=1 ; minutes between applying trivial structure damage when low on power
GameSpeedBias=1.6 ; multiplier to overall game object movement speed
;was 1.2
Stray=2.0 ; radius distance (cells) that team members may stray without causing regroup action
RelaxedStray=3.0 ;gs Gather commands will use this number instead, allowing for bigger teams in AIT
CloakDelay=.001 ; forced delay that subs will remain on surface before allowing to submerge
SuspendDelay=2 ; minutes that suspended teams will remain suspended
SuspendPriority=1 ; teams with less than this priority will suspend during base defense ops
FlightLevel=900 ;gs from 600 ; typical flight level for aircraft [above ground level]
GuardModeStray=2.0 ; BGC - how many cells away a unit can get from the unit it is guarding before it's told to move.
MissileSpeedVar=.25 ; speed flucuation percentage that guided missiles have
MissileROTVar=.25 ; rate of turn fluctuation percentage that guided missiles have
MissileSafetyAltitude=750 ;gs this is the altitude a missile fired at an air target that dies will fly to before detonating.
;DB look here! -RTO
TeamDelays=500,2500,3500 ; interval between checking for and creating teams, by difficulty level (easy, medium, hard)
AIHateDelays=30,50,70 ; delay in frames before the computer chooses an enemy, by difficulty level
AIAlternateProductionCreditCutoff=1000 ; When to start whimping out on spending money
先百度 或者去游民星空 应该会有