For leave, or start sagain? We are going against the ash blue sky, passes through the different street, climbs over the mountain, touches each rivers all have own temperature. We in select a scene in the frame to suspend various pose, majority time smiles very much silly, occasionally also can in the strange city sob. We do not have the courage to leave, also does not have the courage to stay behind, therefore the choice unceasingly travels. We extremely are exhausted to the life, thereupon thoroughly plans each time is going on a journey, then tows a more exhausted body to return to the original life. Has the possibility is for run away leaves, has the possibility is greets, some times we only are want to look at the scenery, some times are for the person which and wants in the same place, but also sometimes only is for on the road. We cherish all kinds of attempt to walk on this road, any breeze all has the possibility to change our direction A heart releasing for flight, in the metropolis which this is agitated, the of all forms people have respective worry, in a nobody understanding place and nature such being intimate with, this is perhaps the mind return, returns to the most primitive condition...