哈姆雷特是莎士比亚精心塑造的人文主义者的形象,他对人自身、对人类的明天满怀热爱和信心,在他看来人是“了不得的杰作”,具有“高贵的理性”、“伟大的力量”,有着无比的智慧,是“宇宙的精华,万物的灵长”。人文主义教育使他胸怀远大抱负,但突破其来的巨变,使他遭受了那样多的不增,他无忧无虑、明朗爽快的性格发生了变化。父死母嫁,奸邪当道,国内一片乌烟瘴气。他渴望用进步的人文主义思想改造社会,却又觉重任难当,难以施为。踌躇难决之下,他苦思焦虑,性格一变而为忧虑沉闷,更因复仇的证据不足,一时也找不复仇的时机,无法贸然行动,这使得他优柔寡断,拖延迟疑, 戏中大段沉痛的、强烈自责的独白, 反映了他痛苦、矛盾的心境。表面上看,他令人惋惜地放过了一次次行动的机会,实际上这正是敌我力量悬殊,人文主义理想难以实现的悲剧性反映。从第三幕起,他忧郁的心情开始得到克服,崇高的理想与责任感,使他意识到必须以行动来抗争不合理的命运,于是他雷厉风行地采取了一系列复仇措施,从采取演戏的方法从实奸王的罪行到改写密信,破坏了奸王把他放逐到英国,然后借刀杀人的阴谋,最终刺杀奸王,把国事托给他志同道合的密友,这无不表现了他的机智勇敢、镇定缜密以及超人的智慧。莎士比亚恰如其分地描写了哈姆雷特性格的变化与发展。
Shakespeare's Hamlet is the best shape the image of humanism, his own people. full of love and confidence in the future of mankind, in his view is "not a masterpiece," is the "noble reason." "great strength", with immense wisdom, is the "essence of the soul of things long." Humanist education in mind his ambitious, but broke to the changes, as he suffered a number of negative growth, He worries that there is a change in the character of the uncertainty quickly. BC mother married, and get rid of the crafty and cunning dominate the midst of pandemonium.He was looking forward to the idea of humanism with social progress, it generated Cox task difficult for the implementation. Hesitant difficult decision, he painstakingly anxiety, personality change and worried boring, but also because of the lack of evidence of revenge. 1:00 looking for revenge is not the time, not hasty action, which he indecision, delay or indecision, big plays deep. Monologue of a strong sense of guilt, reflecting his pain and contradictory state of mind. Superficially, it is a pity to miss the opportunity of the first operation, in fact it is the struggle between the forces of wealth, reflect the tragic humanist ideal difficult to achieve. From Act III, he is beginning to overcome feelings of depression, lofty ideals and a sense of responsibility. made him aware of the need to take action to fight unreasonable fate, so he took a series of vigorous measures revenge, Jian Wang from the show taken from real crime to rewrite Mitsunobu undermining Jianwang his deportation to Britain then trying to plot the assassination of the final Jian Wang, a state minister to his like-minded cronies. This is all demonstrated his ingenuity, courageous, calm careful and superhuman knowledge. Shakespeare's Hamlet character aptly describes the changes and developments.