
2025-01-02 19:03:42

Fourth, peaceful is easy "four service" and the electronic commercefour service = finance, the service, the electronic commerce + servicefinance: Realizes the financial control information is each enterprisemay do, must do the work which moreover may first do. If is connectedhelps software is financial software. Service: The business managementinformation may carry on with financial control informationsynchronization, also may divide step carries on, finally realizes thefinance, the service integration. With service correlation software isbuying and selling chain management software. Electronic commerce: Infinancial, in the business management information foundation, theenterprise next step then realizes the electronic commerce, andfinally causes the electronic commerce and the finance, the servicecoordination and the integration. Service: Regardless of is thefinancial information, the service information or the electroniccommerce all with changes with each new day stares at the technicalclose correlation, the not very good service accompanied with itfollows, just like has lacked a wheel automobile, will not be ablestably to exercise on the Internet information superhighwayinformation superhighway. Was because of like this, only then causesthe merchant to obtain more opportunities



4, and easy "Sibu" and the e-commerce Sibu = financial, operational, financial services e-commerce + : achieving financial management information is each enterprise can do, must do, and can do the work. Help with the relevant software is financial software. Business : Business management information with financial management information simultaneously, can also investigated and ultimately achieve financial, business integration. Business-related software is marketing chain management software. E-commerce : the financial, operational management information on the basis of enterprises will be the next step to achieve e-commerce, and the ultimate e-commerce and financial, operational synergies and integration. Service : Both of financial information, business information technology or e-commerce with the rapidly changing technology stare closely related, not very well served with the twin, as if lacking the wheels of a vehicle, the exercise will not be stability in the Internet information highway. It was for this reason that makes firms won more business opportunities