有关sports in china 的三人对话

2025-01-31 06:41:58

JOHN: Hi,Mike,How are you,man?

Mike:I m fine, and I have become a basketball fan recently.

John:Oh,really?That is a wonderful game filled up with energy and efforts.

Mike:YEAH,exactly.We have a countryman also,you know?He really plays well and i guess he will become an MVP!

John:You are referring to YAOming?I agree that he is a good player,but he must develop his muscle and more hustle plays as well.

Mike:But he has improved a lot!

Jonh:I have quite high standard:)

MIKE:So are you playing basketball very frequently?

John:Yes,I enjoy the game:)

Mike:I love this game as well:)It makes my life happy and fulfilling:)