Karaoke is now a fairly common leisure activities, many people may go to a ballroom sung. But have you ever considered one of the copyright problem. In a ballroom singing karaoke, first is BanChang ballroom operators need to play with, with copyright law BanChang prescribed audio-visual belongs to work. And the BanChang ballroom operator broadcasting with the way on transfer images behavior to convey the contents of public works, belong to play behavior, and play the rights belong to the work with BanChang who enjoy the rights, so BanChang take ballroom operators to broadcast live with the half residual: the owner of the copyright permission, in real life, because BanChang belt itself is a kind of video products, according to the provisions of this copyright law, the right to the producer of the LinJieQuan video products. But if the tape recordings made in using a work of another video products, still must obtain permission of the copyright owner and pay compensation in the circumstances, can obtain the LinJieQuan. Of course most video products, its video recordings, has won the consent of the copyright owner and performers. So BanChang ballroom operators should be awarded with major broadcast a video recording producer to agree. In addition, to sing karaoke ballroom, as the singer will occur with copyright music song is relation, because by the works of the copyright law, protection, and to sing the way to transfer the contents of their works belongs to the performance, the behavior of the rights of this performance is to belong to songwriter. So to a ballroom singing karaoke whether to the consent of the copyright holder agree? Actually don't need, only attention because under copyright law article 22 the regulation, as individual shall have the right to use in appreciating purpose work of another. Therefore, as long as you're not profit-oriented and performance of other people's work, will not constitute an infringement of Copyright Act.
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