Suite à l’anglais ,le français,comme un des 6 langues officielles d’O.N.U ,est utilisé amplement dans les communications internationaux et les activités diplomatiques .C’est la langue officielle non seulement de la France mais aussi des autres une quarantiaine de pays et de régions se situant tous les 5 continents ,la population des francophones compte environ 120 millions .Il n’y a pas beaucoup de francophones du monde ,mais les francophonies se répartent amplement ,l’anglais est la première,le français ,alors ,est digne d’être la douxième suivant la superficie des langues du monde.
Le français est considéré comme un des langues les plus jolies et les plus stricts du monde.Il a son histoire splendide et occupe aujourd’hui une place exceptionnelle dans les langues internationaux .Pourtant ,le français et le chinois sont deux langues toutes différentes.Il faut,pour les étudiants chinois ,travailler bien conformément aux caractéristiques du français.
French as six working languages of the United Nations, by widespread application in international social and diplomatic activities, after English role. It is not only the French official language, but also across five continents to more than 40 countries and regions of the official language or common language, speak French estimated number of 1.2 billion people in to the left. Although the world speak French is not much, but the number of french-speaking French as six working languages of the United Nations, by widespread application in international social and diplomatic activities, after English role. It is not only the French official language, but also across five continents to more than 40 countries and regions of the official language or common language, speak French estimated number of 1.2 billion people in to the left. Although the world speak French is not much, but the number of french-speaking countries but distribution is very wide, if global distribution area in accordance with the language character, English is the first language, then French deserve is second language!
French is linguists think is the world's most beautiful, one of the most rigorous language. French language in the world has a glorious history, and in today's international language enjoy special status. However, French and Chinese are two completely different languages. Chinese students to learn French, must according to its characteristic effort
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