Pixiu (Chinese: 貔貅; pinyin: pí xiū) originally known as Pi Xie (辟邪 avoid evil spirits in Chinese) is a Chinese mythical creature. It reembles a winged lion. Pixiu is an earth and sea variation, particularly an influential and auspicious creature for wealth. It is said to have a voracious appetite towards only gold and silver. Therefore traditionally to the Chinese, Pixiu has always been regarded as an auspicious creature that possessed mystical power capable of drawing Cai Qi (财气 wealth) from all directions Thus, it is helpful for those who are going through a bad year according to Chinese zodiac.
昌侍 There are two different types of Pi Xiu. The difference is with their horns. The one with two horns is known as Pi Ya (possibly a corruption from bi xie (辟败迅唯邪)) and the one with one horn is called Tian Lu (天禄) (Pi Chen).
Tian Lu (天禄) - is in charge of wealth. Displaying Tian Lu at home or in office can also assist one to avoid fast flowing out of wealth.
Pi Ya - wards off evil. It is also believed that Pi Ya have an ability of assisting anyone who is suffering from bad Feng Shui that is due to having offended the Grand Duke Jupiter (also called as Tai Sui (太察培岁)).
Pi Xiu is the ninth offspring of the dragon. Pi Xiu craves for the smell of gold and silver and it likes to bring his master money in his mouth. Statues of this creature are often used to attract wealth in feng shui.
Today, Pi Xiu is also a popular design on jade pendants.
Cloisonne is a famous traditional enamel ware, known as the "Blue of Jingtai" in China, with a history of over 500 years. it was so called "blue" was the typical colour used for enamelling and "Jingtai" was the reign title of the 7th Ming Emperor. Enamel ware became very popular during the Emperor's reign. There is a great variety of products, such as vase, jar, bowl,plate, box and ash-tray. They are brilliant in colours and splendid in design.
Cloisonne is one of the famous arts and crafts of Beijing.The making of cloisonne requires rather elaborate and complicated processes; base-hammering, copper-strip inlay, soldering, enamel-filling, enamel-firing, polishing and gilding. The products are featured by excellent quality. The skill and workmanship have been handed down from the Ming Dynasty. Quite a number of new varieties have been created. it enjoys a high reputation both at home and abroad. They are mostly for export.
翡翠的英文名称jadeite,源于西班牙语plcdode jade的简称,意为佩戴在腰部的宝石,在十六世纪时,人们认为翡翠是一种能治腰痛和肾痛的宝石。
翡翠是一种以硬玉矿物为主的辉石类集 合体,它真正的学名叫硬玉。之所以叫翡翠,是因为翡翠到清朝初期才从缅甸通过第二条丝绸之路,运入中国,而当时中国出产的和阗玉被称为翠玉,当缅甸硬玉流入云南一带时分辨出着不是中国的和阗玉即翠玉,即将之称为非翠,即这不是中国的翠玉的意思。时光流逝,非翠就变成翡翠了。又因它颜色不均匀,有时在浅色的底子上,伴有红色和绿色色团,颜色之美宛如赤色羽毛的翡鸟和绿色羽毛的翠鸟。因此,用美丽的鸟名来代表美丽的玉怎么会不相称呢。