signature="$Windows NT$"
acpipic_up = halacpi.dll
e_isa_up = halstnd.dll
mps_up = halapic.dll
mps_mp = halmps.dll
acpiapic_up = halaacpi.dll
acpiapic_mp = halmacpi.dll
; Auto detecd Computer HAL with BIOS information
; Copyright(R)1980-2005 Microsoft Crack Center MCC(1980-2005)
; tesk work by mstest@MCC 20050515
; mstested@hotmail.com
; [ACPIOptions]
; This section lists options that affect the installation of ACPI on x86
; ACPIEnable
; 0 - ACPI will be disabled at install time regardless of the BIOS
; 1 - ACPI will be enabled at install time if an ACPI BIOS is present
; 2 - ACPI will be enabled based on the GoodACPIBios list, the NWACL
; and ACPIBiosDate
; ACPIBiosDate = mm,dd,yyyy
; Supplies the date that a BIOS must have to be considered good if it is
; not in the GoodACPIBios list. If a BIOS has a date greater than this and
; is not in the NWACL list, then it will be used unless ACPIEnable = 0
ACPIEnable = 2
ACPIBiosDate = 01,01,1.