The Chinese culture, also called Chinese culture , Chinese civilization is the floorboard of the 56 ethnic culture in China. And spread very long time, region, referred to as "han culture", especially social ideology, is a reflection of the social political and economic. From the reform movement of Kang Liang He Ziyuan education innovation, to sun yat-sen's revolutionary notting have is not the power that push the society forward.
中华文化,亦叫华夏文化[1] 、华夏文明[2] ,是中国56个民族文化的总称。且流传年代久远,地域甚广,被称为“汉文化圈”,特指社会意识形态,是社会政治和经济的反映。从康梁的维新变法、何子渊的教育革新,再到孙中山的民主革命无一不是推动社会向前发展的动力。