The first time I saw a movie in the cinema, I cried several times. I saw the movie "a dog's mission". Maybe it was because I like dogs very much, and I always have dogs in my family. So movies or novels about the relationship between dogs and their owners always deeply moved me.
"The mission of a dog" tells about a dog who accompanies his little owner to grow up and even pursues his girlfriend. Later, he dies in old age and reincarnates into other gender and type of Wang.
In the second reincarnation, the dog became a police dog. In the second reincarnation, the dog became a little cocky dog accompanying a single young woman. After many reincarnations, he finally returned to his original master.
This little dog often thinks about "what's the meaning of my dog's life". It feels like we often think about life, but the dog's thinking is not so complicated. For example, it may just itch its tail, so it has been circling, not because of the owner's gesture. However, its love for its master is the most real.
影片以汪星人的视角展现狗狗和人类的微妙情感,一只狗狗陪伴小主人长大成人,甚至为他追到了女朋友,后来它年迈死去又转世投胎变成其他性别和类型的汪,第二次轮回狗狗变成了警犬威风凛凛,后因公殉职。再次转轮回,又成了陪伴一位单身女青年的小柯基犬,过了幸福的一生。再次轮回后遇到的主人并没有对他温柔以待,经历抛弃后找到最初的主人,再次帮他追到女友。最终陪伴在最初的主人身边。 影片一个个轮回都很感人。影片逗趣让人捧腹,感动让人落泪。影片看似在说狗生,不如说是讲人生。孤独始终是常态,很庆幸此生遇见你!