2 if you pass the exam ,you can get a certificate . 3 if you fail the exam ,you can do it again . 4 if you don't want this magazine, you can throw it away . 5 if you want those pictures ,you can have them 6 if you are busy now, we can talk it later . 7 if you're hungry, we can have lunch now 8 if you need money ,i can lend you some .
第一题:Which is the largest planet in the Solar System? The largest planet in the Solar System is Jupiter .
2 if you pass the exam ,you can get a certificate .
3 if you fail the exam ,you can do it again .
4 if you don't want this magazine, you can throw it away .
5 if you want those pictures ,you can have them
6 if you are busy now, we can talk it later .
7 if you're hungry, we can have lunch now
8 if you need money ,i can lend you some .