Alcohol may not be sold in Victoria without a licence or permit being obtained from the State government. Licences and permits are issued by the Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation,[11] under the Liquor Control Reform Act 1998.
In Victoria, alcohol may not be sold to a person who is under 18 years of age unless accompanied by a guardian (or spouse) and for consumption during a meal,[and minors must not be on licensed premises (i.e. premises on which alcohol may be sold or consumed) unless accompanied by an adult or other limited circumstances.
There are several categories of licences available. The most common are:
on-premises licence, which permit the sale of liquor to customers for drinking on the premises, such as restaurants, bars and cafes.
packaged liquor licence, which permit the sale of liquor to customers to take away from retail liquor stores and supermarkets.
general licence, which permit the sale of liquor to customers for drinking on the premises, and to take away. These are used by pubs, hotels and taverns.
BYO permit, which allow customers to bring their own liquor and drink it on the premises. These are obtained by restaurants and clubs that do not intend to hold a liquor licence.
Other specialised licences are: full club licence, renewable limited club licence, temporary limited licence, renewable limited licence, restricted club licence, pre-retail licence (for wholesalers, producers, brewers and liquor importers), and vigneron’s licence.
There are several areas in Melbourne which retain the status of "dry-areas", where a vote is required before a liquor licence is granted within the area.
Some local government councils have passed by-laws prohibiting the consumption of alcohol on streets within their areas.[citation needed]
In Victoria, if a minor is caught with alcohol in public it can be confiscated and guardians notified of the offense, and a fine may occur.[16]
Previously, minors were allowed to drink alcohol if it is given to them by anyone on private property for example a party. New laws which came into effect late 2011, require parental permission to be given to any adult serving alcohol to minors, under a penalty of $7,000
In Victoria, fully licensed drivers of motor vehicles must have a Blood alcohol content (BAC) below 0.05%. Learner and probationary licensed drivers must not consume any alcohol before driving (i.e. the BAC must be zero).