
2024-10-28 11:28:30

Dear XXXX,

For some unknown reasons, I haven't received your email yet. Could you please re-send me the email?

Also, about the make up test(因为后面你用了take,所以我感觉take the test比较顺), can I take it on Monday? Since, literally, students are able to change their subjects(换课不知道你指的是换专业吗还是?一般我们会用adjust curriculum schedule,就是调整课程表) during the first four weeks. It is very important for me to take another subject(美国还是用course这个词比较普遍,不知道你是发给哪个国家的教授?) this semester.

Please consider this, thank you. (嗯这句话怪怪的我们好像不会这么说,你可以试试“I hope you can understand that the results of the makeup test is really vital for my study, if you allow me to take it on Monday I will be very grateful. Thank you very much! ")

最后重启一段加上”Sincerely, 你的名字“ 就是一篇很好的邮件啦


resend me 后面应该加个it ,补考用resist 吧,这样更地道,还有直接用can I take it on Monday 不就行啦,不要整这么麻烦啦。理论上的英文用theoretically吧,学生只能在一开始的四周换课,要突出只,所以could 后加only.把And 改成however或者是But ,逻辑上更通顺,把后面的if改成that,你用if 就是是否的意思了,会很奇怪。



I haven't received your email. Could you please resend it to me?
Regarding the make-up examination, is it possible for it to be scheduled on Monday? Because students can only reselect courses within the first four weeks, while it's very important for me to select a different course this semester.
Thanks for your consideration!