Electronics is a polymer chain to jump from another polymer chain, this is still a mystery not yet solved. Some scientists think so. , One possibility is that exists between two adjacent chains isolated particles overlap. They also said that soliton village, causing great interest to physicists. The physicists are trying to develop a theory to explain the new family of high-temperature superconductors. Many theorists believe that superconductivity in such isolated particles plays an extremely important role. Indeed, the discovery of isolated particles caused the attention of theoretical physicists around the world, because the polymer reached this unique phenomenon for the study provides an excellent method. 希望赞同。
Electronics is a polymer chain to jump from another polymer chain, this is still a mystery not yet solved. Some scientists think so. , One possibility is that exists between two adjacent chains isolated particles overlap. They also said that soliton village, causing great interest to physicists. The physicists are trying to develop a theory to explain the new family of high-temperature superconductors. Many theorists believe that superconductivity in such isolated particles plays an extremely important role. Indeed, the discovery of isolated particles caused the attention of theoretical physicists around the world, because the polymer reached this unique phenomenon for the study provides an excellent method.
Electrons from a large molecular weight of the link is how to dance to another large molecular weight of this is still a mystery not unravel. some scientists believe that. one possibility is that two adjacent link between lonely of overlap. they also say, then of the village, the physicist great interest. the physicists are trying to develop a theory to explain the 超导体 new family. many of the theorists believe and particles in the nature of the particle in a very important role.
Indeed, the lonely particles discovery resulted in the world theories, as physicist the attention of the polymer to study these peculiar phenomenon has provided a very good method.