Section 5 Oral English
Dialogues with two test takers
The oral test administrator says to test taker A:
(Gives the question card to test taker A) A, here is a card for you. B just met a famous star. Please ask him/her five questions about it according to the card.
The oral test administrator says to test taker B:
(Gives the answer card to test taker B) Here is a card for you, B. you just met a famous star. Please answer his/her questions about it. Yo ucan use what is there on your card to help you.
A,这张卡片给你。 B 刚遇到了一个明星。请依照卡片问他/她五个有关这个事件的问题。
Meeting a Famous Star 遇到明星
meet? 1 见面?
where? 2 在哪里?