邮件号码 年份 状态 位置 邮件寄达国 状态发生日期 收件人签字
CP192753700CN 2010 到达进口互换局 加拿大 加拿大 2010-09-16
CP192753700CN 2010 海关扣留 加拿大 加拿大 2010-09-16
CP192753700CN 2010 出口总包直封封发 上海国际 加拿大 2010-09-15
CP192753700CN 2010 出口总包互封开拆 上海国际 加拿大 2010-09-15
CP192753700CN 2010 出口总包互封封发 南京国际 加拿大 2010-09-14
CP192753700CN 2010 出口总包互封开拆 南京国际 加拿大 2010-09-14
CP192753700CN 2010 收寄局收寄 宁新街口 加拿大 2010-09-13
Tracking Number
Please note that this is the most up-to-date information available in our system. Our telephone agents have access to the same information presented here.
Track Status
Product Type: International Parcel
Date Time Location Description Retail Location Signatory Name
2010/09/16 22:11 VANCOUVER International item arrived in Canada and will be reviewed by Customs
Track History
Date Time Location Description Retail Location Signatory Name
2010/09/16 22:11 VANCOUVER International item arrived in Canada and will be reviewed by Customs
2010/09/15 15:27 International item has left the origin country and is en route to Canada
2010/09/13 11:12 International item mailed in origin country