More than 97% of the Argentine population is white, mostly Spanish and Italian descent. 91.6% of the population Catholic, the official language is Spanish. Customs and way of life of local residents and the European close. A weekend to implement the system every week, every year is basically a vacation time in January. During national holidays and religious holidays, national holidays. Argentina, Buenos Aires, Tango
Extremely popular and folk dance Argentine tango as a national treasure. Tango originated in Buenos Aires in the late 19th century, is a music, dance, singing, poetry, an integrated art. Tango music fast-paced, unique syncopation is its distinctive features. Tango gorgeous and elegant, warm and imaginative. Argentine tango as a form of art of everyday life to the artistic charm of typical tastes very popular. Argentina, Buenos Aires, Tango
Roast beef, Argentina's first food and home cooking. Argentines like to eat beef, the annual per capita consumption of over 50 kg. Residents not only every family has a oven, and an outing to the suburbs when they carry raw materials burned copy. Roast beef, fresh and delicious, when eaten with a variety of salad and red wine.