答案英文有些怪。英文是我的母语,就由我来吧!
The
Origin
Of
English
English
is
actually
a
mix
of
several
languages,
adopting
and
adapting
from
various
cultures,
both
conquering
and
conquered.
In
500BC,the
Celts
invaded
Britain
and
fanned
out
throughout
the
entire
land.
As
such,
Celtic
wasthe
first
language
widely
in
use
in
Britain.
This
language
was
also
widely
used
in
Scotland,
north
of
the
British
island.
By
449A.D.
,
the
Angles,
Saxons
and
Jutes
also
stepped
on
British
soil.
About
acentury
and
a
half
later,
the
Celts
were
almost
extinguished
in
Britain.
The
three
newcomer
tribes
had
the
same
language
-
they
usedGermanic.
From
many
small
states,
they
eventually
merged
into
seven
countries
by
the
7th
Century
Further
developments
and
exchanges
between
the
countries
resulted
in
the
language
of
the
Angles,
also
known
as
Englisc,
being
dominant.
Latin
scholars
today
label
this
language
as
Old
English.
By
A.D.
,
the
whole
nation
was
known
as
Englaland
(meaning
the
Land
of
the
Angles).
As
the
language
progressed,
we
call
the
country
England
and
the
language
English.