我把楼上的英语回答给您翻译成汉语
保持健康的方法
每个人都想长寿,但是长寿与否是依赖于你自己的身体的。您知道怎么保持身体健康吗?在这里我告诉您两种方法:
1)适当的餐饮:
通常上说,人每天要吃三次饭。但是有的学生们他们早上起来的比较晚,以至于狼吞虎咽的吃完他们的早餐,但是这对他们的身体健康又这很不好的影响。有些女生们想保持苗条的身材,就特意的去节食。无论是暴饮暴食还是过分的节食
都对身体健康有害!
2)学生们通常忙于他们的作业,以至于他们没有多余的时间去做些体育锻炼,这也是另一种对健康有害的方法!我们至少要每天做些体育锻炼来保持身体健康!
总而言之:我们的目标是健康,以上两点也是对于健康来说最基础的两部分!
希望您能采纳!
Apples,
Tomatoes
May
Keep
Lungs
Healthy
西安第四军医大学五大队三中队
梁莉
摘译
Eating
plenty
of
apples
and
tomatoes
may
help
prevent
respiratory
disease,
according
to
a
presentation
at
the
97th
annual
meeting
of
the
American
Thoracic
Society.
Researches
have
found
Eating
more
than
five
apples
each
week
was
strongly
associated
with
increased
as
was
having
tomatoes
more
than
three
times
a
week.
Wheezing
was
also
less
common
among
people
who
consumed
apples,
tomatoes
and
bananas.