;功能:进行三个大数的相加 最多可以输入(1——80位)
.model small
.stack 400h
first_add db 80,0,80 dup(0)
second_add db 80,0,80 dup(0)
third_add db 80,0,80 dup(0)
shuchu db 'The add result is:','$'
tishi db 'Please input the add1 number:','$'
tishi1 db 'Please input the add2 number:','$'
tishi2 db 'Please input the add3 number:','$'
input macro do
mov ah,2 ;置光标
mov bh,0
mov dl,12 ;列号
int 10h
mov dx,si
mov ah,9 ;显示字符串
int 21h
lea dx,do ;存放加数
mov ah,0ah ;暂停,任意键关闭
int 21h
pop si
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
lea si,tishi2
push si
lea si,tishi1
push si
lea si,tishi
push si
pop si
mov dh,2 ;行号 控制行 在第 3 行显示
input first_add
mov dh,4
input second_add
mov dh,6
input third_add
lea si,shuchu
mov ah,2 ;置光标
mov bh,0
mov dh,12 ;行号
mov dl,20 ;列号
int 10h
mov dx,si
mov ah,9 ;显示字符串
int 21h
lea si,first_add
mov cx,[si+1]
and cx,000ffh
s1: mov al,[si+2]
sub al,30h
mov [si+2],al
inc si
loop s1
lea di,second_add
mov cx,[di+1]
and cx,000ffh
s2: mov al,[di+2]
sub al,30h
mov [di+2],al
inc di
loop s2
lea di,third_add
mov cx,[di+1]
and cx,000ffh
s3: mov al,[di+2]
sub al,30h
mov [di+2],al
inc di
loop s3
lea si,first_add
lea di,second_add
call jiashu ;函数调用进行相加
lea di,third_add
call jiashu ;函数调用进行相加
mov cl,[si+1]
and cx,000ffh
ok2: mov dl,[si+2]
add dl,30h
mov ah,2
int 21h
inc si
loop ok2
mov ah,1 ;暂停,任意键关闭
int 21h
mov ah,4ch
int 21h
mov al,[si+1]
mov ah,[di+1]
cmp al,ah
ja ok1
mov ax,si
mov bx,di
xchg ax,bx
mov si,ax
mov di,bx
ok1: mov bx,[si+1]
and bx,000ffh ;屏蔽高8位
mov bp,[di+1]
and bp,000ffh ;屏蔽高8位
mov cx,[di+1]
and cx,000ffh ;屏蔽高8位
jia: mov al,[si+bx+1]
mov ah,ds:[di+bp+1]
add al,ah
cmp al,10
jb cf
dec bx
mov ah,[si+bx+1]
inc ah
mov [si+bx+1],ah
sub al,10
inc bx
cf: mov [si+bx+1],al
dec bx
dec bp
loop jia
end start