1.above one's head高深莫测
2.beat one's head against the wall徒劳无益
3.bite someone's head off大发雷霆
4.bury one's head in the sand自欺欺人
5.come/draw to a head达到危急的关头
6.eyes in the back of one's head神通广大
7.get a swelled head得意忘形
8.go to sb.'s head冲昏头脑
9.have one's head in the clouds有幻想,不切实际
10.hit the nail on the head一针见血
Hang one's head. 垂头丧气
head to head 交头接耳
head over heels头上脚下
heels over head 即「脚上头下」。这成语大概是源自翻筋斗游戏,从前一般用来比喻「颠倒」或「忙乱」。
bury one's head in the sand (deliberately ignore sth. that is obvious but unpleasant) 逃避现实;拒绝承认现实[注] 鸵鸟遇到危险时,总是把头埋在沙里,自己看不见敌人就认为敌人也看不见自己,由此产生这一成语。
snap off sb's head。同bite off sb's nose (scold sb. severely; disagree with sb. in a bad manner) 气势汹汹地回答某人;声色俱厉地训斥某人
from head to foot从头到尾