坚持,奋斗 肖申克监狱理,无辜、沉默安迪的入狱为之增添一丝新鲜的气息。同性恋者的殴打、骚扰;长官的贪婪和苛刻,却未能磨灭他那不倒翁精神。相反,他为囚犯的良好教育,为图书馆的扩建工作,坚持每周写两封信到政府,申请资金.一次次的失落,一次次的奋起.十年过去了,他最终如愿以偿.二十年了,他办成朋友预言一辈子都完成不了的事情----用锤子挖开了通向下水道的洞.在得知自己含冤入狱的有力证据,努力申诉,却得来证人的含冤谋杀的事实.对正面申诉心灰意冷的他,决心利用暴雨天气,打破通粪管道,并爬向五英里外的自由空间.皇天不负有心人,他的聪明,他的坚持,让他成功越狱并拿出狱长的受贿金,把狱长的受贿记录寄到报社;并兑现将出狱朋友的承诺,埋下希望的盒子,完成了肖申克的救赎。最终,来到太平洋的一个小城镇,继续奋斗属于他的,自由拼搏的人生。
I have never seen such an amazing film since I saw The Shawshank Redemption. Shawshank encompasses friendships, hardships, hopes, and dreams. And what is so great about the movie is that it moves you, it gives you hope. Even though the circumstances between the characters and the viewers are quite different, you don't feel that far removed from what the characters are going through.
It is a simple film, yet it has an everlasting message. Frank Darabont didn't need to put any kind of outlandish special effects to get us to love this film, the narration and the acting does that for him. Why this movie didn't win all seven Oscars is beyond me, but don't let that sway you to not see this film, let its ranking on the IMDb's top 250 list sway you, let your friends recommendation about the movie sway you.
Set aside a little over two hours tonight and rent this movie. You will finally understand what everyone is talking about and you will understand why this is my all time favorite movie.
Shawshank redeems Hollywood
Can Hollywood, usually creating things for entertainment purposes only, create art? To create something of this nature, a director must approach it in a most meticulous manner, due to the delicacy of the process. Such a daunting task requires an extremely capable artist with an undeniable managerial capacity and an acutely developed awareness of each element of art in their films, the most prominent; music, visuals, script, and acting. These elements, each equally important, must succeed independently, yet still form a harmonious union, because this mixture determines the fate of the artist's opus. Though already well known amongst his colleagues for his notable skills at writing and directing, Frank Darabont emerges with his feature film directorial debut, The Shawshank Redemption. Proving himself already a master of the craft, Darabont managed to create one of the most recognizable independent releases in the history of Hollywood. The Shawshank Redemption defines a genre, defies the odds, compels the emotions, and brings an era of artistically influential films back to Hollywood.
The story begins with the trial of a young banker, Andy Dufrense, victimized by circumstantial evidence, resulting in a conviction for the murder of his wife and her lover. After a quick conviction, Andy finds himself serving a life sentence at Shawshank prison, with no hope of parole. He exists in this prison only in appearance, keeping his mind free from the drab walls around him. His ability to do this results in the gaining of respect from his fellow inmates, but most of all from Ellis Redding. Ellis, commonly referred to as Red, finds gainful use of his entrepreneurial spirit within the drab walls of Shawshank by dealing in contraband and commodities rare to the confines of prison. Andy's demeanor and undeniable sense of hope causes Red to take a deeper look at himself, and the world around him. Andy proves to Red and the other inmates that in the conventional walls of Shawshank prison convention will find no home in his lifestyle.