The impact of addition chrysanthemum powder over egg use species cock crop , cecum content thing and middle excrement pH value adds different thickness chrysanthemum powder in fodder grain in egg use species cock daily ration, by the fact that the analytical admeasurement tries chicken crop content thing , cecum content thing and chicken excrement pH value and their change law, basis choosing the pink feed additive of right thickness chrysanthemum as the hen for egg laying in feeding providing idea. The experiment selects and uses 29 brown species of 40 Zhou Ling Highland cock , the random divides 5 set, experiment 1 ~ 4 group , 6 per set, collation forms 5. Collation group fodder feeds with the basis daily ration , tests that chrysanthemum adding 0.5% , 1.0% , 1.5% and 2.0% respectively in the daily ration in basis of group turns to powder , tests the scheduled time 25 day. Study fodder grain is hit by an impact of addition chrysanthemum powder over egg use species cock crop , cecum content thing and middle excrement pH value. Result is indicated: Pink chrysanthemum pair of hens for egg laying crop pH effect is not obvious, 0.155 0.247 , 5.667 +/-1.060 , 4.767 +/-0.576 , 4.117 +/-sum testing that the group and collation form chicken crop pH difference for 4.285 +/-4.545 +/-0.219; The hen for egg laying adds chrysanthemum powder in the daily ration , can make the cecum pH notable coming down, the cecum pH comes down when pink chrysanthemum addition amounts are 1.5% being most notable , the pH testing 1 ~ 4 group and contrasting a cecum is 7.457 +/-respectively 0.412 , 7.450 +/-0.261 , 7.173 +/-0.310 , 7.450 +/-0.370 and 8.120 +/-0.148; Add chrysanthemum powder in the daily ration , can make the chicken excrement pH be worth coming down as a whole, the excrement pH adding thickness especially in order 2.0% pink chrysanthemum fodder grain fodder feeds with 10 climatic condition is worth obvious lessening. Conclusion: In hen for egg laying daily ration, proper pink chrysanthemum additive amounts are 1.5%. Hen for egg laying; The chrysanthemum turns to powder; Crop; Cecum content thing; PH value is sure not to use translation implement , is reading be entangled with