We've got a lot of people in this world, aspecialy China. Not only young people, we've got old people as well.As a student, we've got the ability to help them.But, how can we help them? That's a hard question, we are just a normal student, how can we help them?Well, we don't have to buy a house for them, but we can do small things for them.
When you are crossing the road, wyou saw a old woman or man,you can hold their arm to help them cross the road.
When you are sitting on a bus, a old passenger came, you can give your sit to her or him.
When you are walking on the street, you saw a elderly people fell something and trying to pick it up, even it's money, you can run to there and pick it up, put it in your bag and go away. In the opposite way, you have to help them to pick it up, and give it to them.
You really can help elderly people, they don't have to be big things, it can be small things, because a hundred small things are equal to one big thing. Hope every young people in this world can use your hand to help for elderly people. ]
这样行不, 行的话别忘分, 我不介意你给我钱