Sarah: Mark, I try to find the right words for the very special monent today, for so long. But on the search, I realized that there are no words that could ever ever compare my deep and me so uncomtionally, who always stands by me, and put himself to the side to be there for me and our family, to be there where I'm scared, to be there when I'm lonely or confused. And when I lost my way, I know you will carry me home. I pray everyday that I can love you back the same you love me. And I'm so proud and honor that you choose me as your wife here today. And I promise I will love you for the rest of my life.
恩 ...... 我看过Sarah婚礼视频 也听到过Sarah读那封信 但是我听不大明白 楼主如果有翻译 提供给我好吗? 谢谢啦