04/05赛季,规则的漏洞再一次暴露,利物浦逆转米兰夺得欧冠,而联赛仅仅第五的他们开始寻求特例。欧足联把皮球踢给了英足总,不过英国人强硬的表示“埃弗顿将肯定作为英超联赛的第四名参加冠军联赛”,同时又施加压力,要求给利物浦外卡,最终欧足联妥协了。05年6月10日,欧足联执委会会议决定,将在不远的将来修改规则,从条例上保证卫冕冠军的权利。在规则修改之前,利物浦按特例处理,获得下赛季欧冠的外卡,不过欧足联也设立了几个障碍:1、需要从预选赛第一轮打起,这意味这球队的备战将比其他队早一到两个月(预选赛共三轮,第一轮通常开始于7月中,而小组阶段的正赛9月份才会开打);2、没有“国家保护”(country protection,即保证来自同一会员国的俱乐部在淘汰赛之前不会相遇),不知是天意抑或人为,通过预选赛的利物浦和车子果然就被分在了同一小组。。。
from Regulations of the UEFA Champions League 2006/2007
1.03 The UEFA Champions League title-holder is guaranteed a place in the group stage even if it does not qualify for the competition through its domestic championship.
If the title-holder comes from an association entitled to more than one place in the UEFA Champions League and qualifies for the UEFA Cup through its domestic competitions, the lowest-ranked club of the association's UEFA Champions League representatives is automatically transferred to the UEFA Cup. In this case, the number of places to which the title-holder's national association is entitled in the UEFA Champions League and the UEFA Cup does not change.
If the title-holder comes from an association entitled to more than one place in the UEFA Champions League and does not qualify for the UEFA Champions League or UEFA Cup through its domestic competitions, the lowest-ranked club of the association's UEFA Champions League representatives is automatically transferred to the UEFA Cup. In this case, the national association of the title-holder is entitled to one additional place in the UEFA Cup.
If the title-holder comes from an association entitled to only one UEFA Champions League place and qualifies for the UEFA Cup through its domestic competitions, it is entitled to play in the UEFA Champions League in addition to the association's other UEFA Champions League representative. In this case, the combined number of places to which the title-holder's national association is entitled in the UEFA Champions League and UEFA Cup does not change.
If the title-holder comes from an association entitled to only one UEFA Champions League place and does not qualify for the UEFA Champions League or UEFA Cup through its domestic competitions, it is entitled to play in the UEFA Champions League in addition to the association's other UEFA Champions League representative. In this case, the national association of the title-holder is entitled to one additional place in the UEFA Champions League.
不是 跟联赛名次有关系