翻译前我想先说明几点:
一:在国外,“姐姐”这个称呼
(Sister)
一般都是家人之间才会用的。就是亲姐妹或姐弟之间。
和其他人说话时,就算是好朋友,也都不会用到这词。尤其是不太熟悉的人。
二:“漫画”
翻译成英文是
Manga,不是
cartoon.
Cartoon
是卡通的意思。
~
·
~
·
~
·
~
·
~
·
Dear
___
(用对方的名字,如果不知道,就直接用
Hi,来当作开头。绝对不能用
sister)
Hi,
had
a
conversation
with
you
yesterday;
I'm
the
Chinese
person
who
likes
reading
manga.
This
is
my
other
Email
address,
and
this
is
the
first
time
I've
sent
an
Email
to
a
foreigner.
I'm
really
happy
to
have
met
you,
and
I'm
very
happy
to
have
learned
something
about
you.
How
have
you
been
lately?
Looking
forward
to
hearing
from
you
soon!
Best
wishes,
________
(自己的名字)
~
·
~
·
~
·
~
·
~
希望对你有帮助。
你知道她的名字吗?最好开头痛她的名字
Dear
had
a
chat
with
you
yesterday,I'm
the
Chinese
guy
who
likes
comic
book
(不知道你是喜欢漫画书还是动漫。。我写的是漫画书,如果不是你就自己改下吧)~
got
a
new
email
address,
,This
is
my
first
email
to
foreigner,it's
very
pleased
to
know
you
and
it's
very
good
to
know
something
about
you,I'm
so
glad
that
can
make
friend
with
you!looking
forward
to
hearing
from
you
soon
XXXXX(你自己的名字)
13/08/09(日期要日月年哦)
主题就写简单一点好了:
Hey!It's
XXX!!(你的名字)
我给小老外发邮件想不到主题一般都这样的。。。
Hi
dear
~
Can
you
remember
the
Chinese
girl/boy
who
chatted
with
you
about
cartoon
yesterday?
I'm
the
one
:)))
I've
changed
my
email
address.
This
is
the
first
time
that
email
a
foreigner.
It
is
a
great
pleasure
to
meet
you
on
internet
and
I'm
very
happy
to
know
something
about
you.
hope
we
can
be
good
friends
:)))
Looking
forward
to
hearing
from
you
soon.
Big
hugs
Yours
(写过好多这种first
letter,据经验给你改了改,不过意思是一样的,可能更亲切一些)
祝你很快收到回信~~~