名字叫:the
steward
of
gondor
原声大碟中第5首,前面有一段悠远凄美的类似管弦乐,法拉米尔率部下在白城走过出征的那段配乐,然后是雄壮的一段乐曲他出城迎敌那一段,然后就是你所提到的那段
霍比特人的歌唱:
home
is
behind
the
world
ahead
and
there
are
many
paths
to
tread
through
shadow
to
the
edge
of
night
until
the
stars
are
all
alight
mist
and
shadow
cloud
and
shade
all
shall
fade
all
shall
fade…
个人觉得整个魔戒三原声带都相当不错.
我自己整个原声带哪下的,忘记了
这里有这首
http://vip.muzone.cn/fiftystring/thestewardofgondor.mp3
如果你感觉不怎么好,可以在我的百度里留言给我个邮箱什么的我发给你,我这里有原声。
还有你所说的
完整版,我这里说一下
原著里的完整版,电影歌词选用的是原著里一首霍比特人歌词,在第一部、第三章里:
upon
the
hearth
the
fire
is
red,
beneath
the
roof
there
is
a
bed;
but
not
yet
weary
are
our
feet,
still
round
the
corner
we
may
meet
a
sudden
tree
or
standing
stone
that
none
have
seen
but
we
alone.
tree
and
flower
and
leaf
and
grass,
let
them
pass!
let
them
pass!
hill
and
water
under
sky,
pass
them
by!
pass
them
by!
still
round
the
corner
there
may
wait
a
new
road
or
a
secret
gate,
and
though
we
pass
them
by
today,
tomorrow
we
may
come
this
way
and
take
the
hidden
paths
that
run
towards
the
moon
or
to
the
sun.
apple,
thorn,
and
nut
and
sloe,
let
them
go!
let
them
go!
sand
and
stone
and
pool
and
dell,
fare
you
well!
fare
you
well!
home
is
behind,
the
world
ahead,
and
there
are
many
paths
to
tread
through
shadows
to
the
edge
of
night,
until
the
stars
are
all
alight.
then
world
behind
and
home
ahead,
we’ll
wander
back
to
home
and
bed.
mist
and
twilight,
cloud
and
shade,
away
shall
fade!
away
shall
fade!
fire
and
lamp,
and
meat
and
bread,
and
then
to
bed!
and
then
to
bed!