
2024-12-03 15:02:04

建筑设计初步 Basic Architectural Design
素描 Sketch
建筑力学I Building Mechanics I
建筑构造I Building Construction I
建筑设计基础理论I Theory I: Architecture Design
建筑制图 Architectural Drawing
建筑学概论 Conspectus of Architecture
建筑设计I Architectural Design I
建筑力学Ⅱ Building Mechanics II
建筑构造Ⅱ Building Construction II
建筑设计理论Ⅱ Theory II: Architectural Design
建筑材料 Building Materials
建筑结构 Building Structure
建筑设计Ⅱ Architectural Design II
建筑构造 Ⅲ Building Construction III
建筑设备 Building Equipments
建筑物理I Building Physics I
公共建筑设计理论 Principles of Public Building Design
中国建筑史 History of Chinese Architecture
外国建筑史I History of World Architecture I
建筑设计 Ⅲ Architectural Design III
城市规划原理 Principle of Urban Planning
建筑物理Ⅱ Building Physics II
外国建筑史Ⅱ History of World Architecture II
居住建筑设计原理 Principle of Housing Design
专业外语 Professional English