Hello everyone! Thank you for your support. I know that my standing here might be boring for you, but I must stand here because this is something that everyone in grade 11 class 3 must go through. Anyway, I am going to tell everyone a joke. Two hunters were hunting in the forest. One hunter accidentally fell down and it appeared that he was dead. When the other hunter called emergency services the operator said "The first thing you need to do is to be sure that your friend is dead" Then the operator heard a gun shot. After that the hunter asked the operator "What is the second step?" The joke is over, maybe nobody knows what I am talking about, so you can pretend that I am talking to myself; please give me some applause! Thank you!;/lo. 这是俺老公帮你改好的,人格保证通顺流畅,一点错没有了。 (知道俺为啥如此自信?哈哈哈~因为俺老公是在美国出生长大的美印混血帅哥,母语就是英文,他从小就是个文学狂热者,标准的书虫,语文成绩一直保持前3名以内)