■【英语强人你在哪里!】求 金庸小说书名官方翻译,多谢指点!

2024-12-19 19:23:03

射雕英雄传 《The Legend Of The Condor Heroes》 --直译为"雕英雄的传奇"

天龙八部《The semi Gods and semi Devils》--直译为"半神半魔"

笑傲江湖《The Smiling Prond Wonderer》--直译为"微笑的高傲的流浪者"

书剑恩仇录——《The Book and The Sword》直译为"书和剑"
碧血剑——《The Sword Stained with Royal Blood》直译为"被血染污的剑"
神雕侠侣 《The Return Of The Condor Heroes》 -- 直译为"雕英雄归来"
倚天屠龙记——《Heavenly Sworld and The Dragon Saber》直译为"神圣的剑和龙刀"
飞狐外传——"Other Story of Flying Fox"直译为"飞狐的故事"
雪山飞狐----"Other Storiette of Flying Fox"直译为"飞狐的短故事"
鹿鼎记——"The Duke of Mountain Deer"直译为"鹿山的公爵
越女剑——The virgin of Zhao country直译为"赵国的处女" -_-#

Book and Sword: Gratitude and Revenge (The Romance of the Book and Sword)- T: 书剑恩仇录 S: 书剑恩仇录 (first published on The New Evening Post in 1955)
Sword Stained with Royal Blood (The Crimson Sword)- T: 碧血剑 S: 碧血剑 (first published on Hong Kong Commercial Daily in 1956)
The Legend of the Condor Heroes (The Condor-Shooting Heroes) - T: 射雕英雄传 S: 射雕英雄传 (first published on Hong Kong Commercial Daily in 1957)
Flying Fox of Snowy Mountain - T: 雪山飞狐 S: 雪山飞狐 (first installment appeared on the first issue of Ming Pao in 1959)
The Return of the Condor Heroes (The Condor & The Lovers) - T: 神雕侠侣 S: 神雕侠侣 (1959)
Other Tales of the Flying Fox - T: 飞狐外传 S: 飞狐外传 (1960)
Swordswoman Riding West on White Horse T: 白马啸西风 S: 白马啸西风 (first published on Ming Pao in 1961)
Blade-dance of the Two Lovers (Lovers' Sabers) T: 鸳鸯刀 S: 鸳鸯刀 (first published on Ming Pao in 1961)
The Heavenly Sword and the Dragon Saber[citation needed] - T: 倚天屠龙记 S: 倚天屠龙记 (first published on Ming Pao in 1961)
Requiem of Ling Sing (A Deadly Secret) - T: 连城诀 S: 连城诀 (first published on Southeast Asia Weekly 《东南亚周刊》in 1963)
Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils (Eightfold Path of the Heavenly Dragon) - T: 天龙八部 S: 天龙八部 (1963)
Ode to Gallantry - T: 侠客行 S: 侠客行(1965)
The Smiling, Proud Wanderer - 笑傲江湖 (first published on Ming Pao in 1967)
The Deer and the Cauldron (Duke of Mount Deer) - T: 鹿鼎记 S: 鹿鼎记 (1969-1972)
Sword of the Yue Maiden - T: 越女剑 S: 越女剑 (1970)


1.Shoot the hero of 雕 spread
2.Eight a dragon of sets
3.Smile river's lake of 傲