
2025-02-01 05:03:19

  • [How to]:

  1. Wash and dice the tomato.

  2. Crack the eggs into a bowl. Add salt. Beat the eggs until they are well-mixed.

  3. Heat oil in a frying pan.

  4. Stir-fry the tomato until they are cooked.

  5. Pour in the egg mixture. Stir a few times. Cook for another 2 minutes.

  6. Dish is ready to be served.

  • 西红柿炒鸡蛋 :

  1. 又名番茄炒蛋,是许多百姓家庭中一道普通的大众菜肴。

  2. 烹调方法简单易学,营养搭配合理。

  3. 色泽鲜艳,口味宜人,爽口、开胃,深受大众喜爱。

  4. 其营养价值丰富,具有营养素互补的特点以及健美抗衰老的作用。

  5. 西红柿忌与石榴、螃蟹、冰棒、红薯、白酒、猪肝、鱼肉等类同食。

  • 原料:西红柿一个。鸡蛋四只。食油两匙。精盐少许。

  • 制作过程:

  1. 先将西红柿去蒂洗净,切成丁块。

  2. 再将鸡蛋打入碗中,加入精盐搅匀。

  3. 接着将炒锅置于旺火上,倒入油烧热。

  4. 把西红柿炒熟,随即把鸡蛋倒入翻炒几下。

  5. 烧二分钟左右出锅即可装盘。


How to make scrambled eggs with tomatos, now I'll show you:

First Step: one tomoto and one green chili, chop them one by one
Secondly, prepare 3 eggs, break the eggs into the bowl, and stir
Third Step: add some salt into the eggs, keep stirring
Then, warm the pan, add the oil, then egg, tomoto and green chili we prepared before.
Last Step: we fry it for 2 minutes, and then, that's it.

It's a very delicious, simple, popular and traditional family dish in China.