What does this EU standard EN13432 mean?
Today, the terms biodegradation, biodegradable materials, compostability etc.
are very common, but frequently misused! Consequently, this is a source of
misunderstanding. The European Standard EN13432 "Requirements for resins
recoverable through composting and biodegradation - Testing scheme and
evaluation criteria for the final acceptance of biological resins", resolves
this problem by defining the characteristics that a material must have, in order
to be defined as "compostable" or “biodegradable”. This norm is a reference
point for material manufacturers, public authorities, composters and also very
useful to consumers.
According to the European Standard EN13432, a compostable material must have
the following characteristics:
1. Biodegradability, which is determined by measuring the actual metabolic
conversion of the compostable material into carbon dioxide. This property is
quantitatively measured using the standard test method, EN14046 (which is also
published as ISO 14855: biodegradability under controlled composting
conditions). The acceptance level is 90%, which must be reached in less than 6
2. Disintegrability, that is, the fragmentation and loss of
visibility in the final compost (absence of visual contamination). This is
measured with a composting test (EN14045). The test material is degraded,
together with organic waste, for 3 months. After this time, the compost is
sieved with a 2 mm sieve. The residues of test material with dimensions higher
than 2 mm are considered as not having disintegrated. This fraction must be less
than 10% of the initial mass.
3. Absence of negative effects on the
composting process. This is checked with a composting test.
4. Low
levels of heavy metals (below the predefined maximum values), and absence of
negative effects on the quality of the compost (e.g. reduction of the agronomic
value and presence of eco-toxicological effects on the growth of plants). A
plant growth test (OECD test 208, modified) is carried out on compost samples
where the degradation of the test material has taken place. There must be no
difference from control compost. Other chemical-physical parameters that must
not be different from those of the control compost after the degradation are the
pH, salinity, volatile solids, N, P, Mg, K.
严格来说,没有EN 13432 certification这种认证,因为EN 1432是标准,如果实验室有此份标准的检测能力,仅能出具检测报告;而认证一般是依据相应的检测标准,检测合格后,发证机构依据认证要求,对产品产品评估,当然包括对测试报告的评估,符合认证要求后,允许申请方在其产品加加贴相应的认证标志,如生物可降解方面的BPI认证&DIN Certco认证&OK Compost认证。