The train has not arrived yet:火车还没有到达。
The train do not arrived yet:这句话不对,这里只能用现在完成时,不能用do来作为助动词。
do you....?你愿意——,是强调意愿:
如:Do you want some coffee?你想喝杯咖啡吗?强调“想要”;
are you...?你是——,是强调身份:
如:Are you a student?你是一个学生吗?
“have you ever been China?”应为“have been in China?”
have been to强调去过某地(已回来)
have been in强调去某地并居住或暂时居住在某地(未回来)
可能对你有些帮助 O(∩_∩)O~
Have you ever been to China:你到过中国吗?根本没有Have you ever been China这种说法.
根本没有The train do not arrived yet这种说法。don't 后面接动词原形。Do you come from China?
Are you from China?
have you ever been to China?
have you ever been China?
是been in China 还有就是gone to China
The train has not arrived yet和The train do not arrived yet有什么不同
the train 是单数,用DOES,一般有YET 用现在完成时
do you....?和are you...?有什么不同?
前一个一般现在时,后一个现在进行时 一般问动作是 Do you understand? 用DO 问状态 属性之类用ARE Are you a teacher?
have you ever been China?你可以说have you ever been there?但就是不可以不加介词就来一个名词
The train does not arrived yet